Study Reveals Breakfast Food That May Make You Live Longer

Eating breakfast regularly has been shown to help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity, according to UC Davis Health. There is also evidence that eating a healthy breakfast helps with brain function, especially memory and focus, the University of California-operated health provider said.

Now, new research has revealed that oatmeal can promote longevity.

Fox News Digital spoke with two health experts about the claims.

Included in the test group of a recent study by the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine was a 105-year-old woman. One step in her normal daily routine was eating oatmeal, according to Dr. Mike Sevilla, a family physician at Salem Family Care in Salem, Ohio. (He was not associated with the recent study.)

“I also remember a study from about 10 years ago from the Journal of the American Medical Association in which the participants included oatmeal in their diet,” the doctor said. “And the study revealed a decrease in premature death in those who regularly ate oatmeal.”

Other studies about the health effects of oatmeal show it can lead to lower cholesterol levels and an improvement in blood sugar levels, which may decrease the chance of heart disease and diabetes, Sevilla also said. 

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