Third-Grade Teacher Arrested For Dealing Drugs While In Class

A third-grade teacher was arrested after federal agents say they caught her on a wiretap dealing drugs while in class.

That’s just one of 20 arrests announced Thursday, as law enforcement officers revealed what they call a crackdown on violent gangs that has been two years in the making.

“Cocaine, meth, machine guns, and gangs,” U.S. Attorney Alamdar Hamdani said to start off the press conference. “It’s a recipe whose consequences play out on the streets of Houston every day and every night.”

Hamdani, along with other federal, state, and local law enforcement officials, announced they had arrested 17 people on Wednesday. Three others were already in custody.

Sheldon ISD teacher Jessica Ferguson was taken into custody on campus. Federal agents said they had previously caught her dealing drugs.

“She was on a call, taking part in that drug conspiracy while she was at school,” Hamdani said. “And you can hear the children in the background.”

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