Video: Harris Paraded With Jussie Smollett And Chanted ‘Down, Down With Deportation’

Newly emerged footage shows then-Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., chanting “down, down with deportation” at a parade in Los Angeles in 2018 when she was pursuing more aggressively left-wing positions on immigration.

The video, obtained by Fox News Digital, took place at the 2018 Annual Kingdom Day Parade, where she was named Grand Marshal.

In the clip, she can be seen joining in with a chant of “up, up with education, down, down with deportation” as she chants along while also applauding and smiling.

The video was first reported by the Daily Mail Online, which also noted that in the video is actor Jussie Smollett, who would eventually be convicted of falsely claiming to have been attacked by Trump supporters in Chicago.

Harris came to Smollett’s defense shortly after he falsely claimed he was attacked by Trump supporters, saying, “This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin.”

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