‘We Will Not Comply’: Trump Denounces Covid Lockdowns In Latest Video

There is a notable effort from left-leaning individuals to reintroduce COVID lockdowns and mandates, as evidenced by their sudden emphasis on concerns about new variants. Simultaneously, the upcoming election is on the horizon.
This renewed focus aims to resurface the atmosphere of apprehension surrounding COVID, possibly as a pretext for implementing additional lockdowns, reinforcing censorship, employing unauthorized drop boxes, promoting mail-in ballots, and allotting substantial monetary favors to political allies, all of which could potentially sway the 2024 election. This strategy bears a resemblance to previous tactics. Those spearheading these efforts are under scrutiny for their intentions, as their actions appear unfavorable and unscrupulous.
Addressing the individuals advocating for stringent COVID measures, it’s important to convey that there is a strong stance against compliance with such measures. The sentiment is clear: there will be no yielding to any COVID-related authoritarianism.

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