Woke Lefty Twitter CEO

Twitter owner Elon Musk is catching heat today for hiring an equality activist and World Economic Forum big shot to run his social media platform.
He has settled on Linda Yaccarino – an advertising executive who has peddled far-left, “woke” ideology, and appears to be entangled with the World Economic Forum – to replace him as CEO of Twitter, or ‘X Corp’ as the company is now known.

The WEF-linked activist appears to be committed to the far-left’s vision of diversity, inclusion, and equality, praising initiatives to make news teams “50 per cent women and 50 per cent people of color.”

As a board member of another WEF-linked organization called The Female Quotient, Yaccarino has pushed initiatives to “foster gender and economic equality” and “racial justice” in partnership with the likes of Google, Instagram, and Twitter’s pre-Musk iteration. She is also a believer in the so-called “gender gap”.

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