Woman Stuck Upside Down Between Boulders For 7 Hours After Trying To Retrieve Phone

She certainly landed between a rock and a hard place.

An Australian woman managed to find herself trapped upside down between two boulders for a staggering seven hours after she slipped while trying to retrieve her dropped phone.

Matilda Campbell, 23, fell head first into the 9-foot-deep crevice while she was hiking with friends in the Hunter Valley, 75 miles north of Sydney, earlier this month, authorities said.

With no cell service in the area, her friends spent an hour trying to free her themselves before eventually going off to call for help.

When rescue crews arrived, they had to build a hardwood frame to keep them stable as they worked to move several heavy boulders.

At one point, they had to hoist up one rock that weighed a whopping 1,000 pounds.

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