Youths Now Say TikTok, Instagram Influencers Most Trusted Sources Of News

A new report shows the youngest generations of today are more likely to trust news they receive from social media influencers rather than from more traditional news outlets and reporters.
The study was conducted by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism out of the University of Oxford.
The survey found that 55%of TikTok users get their news from “personalities” on the platform, with another 52% of respondents saying the same thing for Instagram influencers.
Meanwhile, a mere 33 percent of TikTok users get their news from actual news outlets and journalists, while only 42 percent of Instagram users say the same.
“Perhaps the most striking findings in this year’s report relate to the changing nature of social media, partly characterized by declining engagement with traditional networks such as Facebook and the rise of TikTok and a range of other video-led networks,” said Nic Newman, a senior research associate at the Reuters Institute.

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