Iran Launches Segregated Ambulances To Separate Men And Women

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Head of the Emergency Department, Jafar Miaadfar, recently announced new plans for women-only ambulances. The latest efforts by the regime to segregate men and women have resulted in criticism, raising fears about women’s health and safety.
Miaadfar’s announcement came over the weekend, outlining that there would be new special ambulances for women, with the driver being a man but technicians being women.
Miaadfar noted that the measure was approved by the Supreme Council of Health in a session with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, noting that the plan was implemented in several cities and will become operational throughout major metropolitan areas.
According to reports, Nahid Khodakarmi, the former head of the Health Committee of Tehran City Council, warned that the regime’s newest plan to separate by gender in the emergency room is “wasting resources, imposing costs and disorder.”

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