Biden Planning To Unlock Legal Status For Hundreds Of Thousands Of Illegal Aliens

President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly leaning toward a move that would “unlock” legal status and open up a pathway toward citizenship for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens that the administration has allowed into the country.

“The plan under consideration by the White House would give work permits and deportation protections to certain [illegal] immigrants through the immigration parole authority, as long as they have spouses who are American citizens,” CBS News reported.

The policy — which comes as Biden faces low approval ratings, in part due to his disastrous border policies — “could also make beneficiaries eligible for permanent U.S. residency and eventually even citizenship, by helping them clear hurdles in U.S. law,” the report added.

Multiple sources said that the plan, which rewards those who have broken federal immigration laws, has not been finalized yet, the report said.

White House spokesperson Angelo Hernandez Fernandez said the administration was exploring “a series of policy options, and we remain committed to taking action to address our broken immigration system.”

The report claimed that Biden unleashed “the harshest policy enacted by a Democratic president” last week when he signed an executive order that was widely panned as “weak” by policy experts and critics. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas wouldn’t even answer during an interview on Sunday if the policy has done anything.

Read full story at The Daily Wire.