Child of Democratic Rep. Katherine Clark Gets Probation in Police Assault Case, Could See Case Dropped

Jared ‘Riley’ Dowell, the transgender child of House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-Mass.), will receive probation after being charged with assaulting a Boston police officer and vandalizing city property on the Boston Common in January.
Dowell, a 23-year-old man who uses she/her pronouns, was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and property damage following a destructive protest event on Jan. 21. Police said Dowell spray-painted the Parkman Bandstand Monument with the words “NO COP CITY” and “ACAB,” an acronym often used in place of the phrase “all cops are bad” or “all cops are [expletive].” While police attempted to arrest Dowell, a group of other demonstrators began to interfere and at least one officer was struck in the face, causing bleeding to his nose and mouth….

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