LA Times Editorial Board Pouts: ‘New York Banned Gas From New Buildings. Why Not California?’

The paper’s editorial board editorial is responding to what it considers New York last week making “climate history”  by becoming the first U.S. state to pass a law banning natural gas in most new buildings.

“But here in Los Angeles, we admit feeling a tinge of jealousy that California wasn’t the first,” the editorial reads. “Why not?

“This is, after all, the state that’s declared itself a climate leader … where the city of Berkeley in 2019 enacted the nation’s first ban on natural gas piping in new buildings to curb the use of fossil fuels.

“California is also, like New York, a blue state that’s heavily reliant on stoves, furnaces, water heaters and other appliances that run on polluting and planet-warming natural gas.”

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