Maine Guv Signs Bill Allowing Teens To Get Cross-Sex Hormones Without Parental Consent

Maine Democratic Gov. Janet Mills signed into law legislation this week that eliminates the requirement of parental consent for 16-17-year-old minors to be provided cross-sex hormones to change their physical appearance to correspond to their gender identity at a given point in time.
The Maine House passed the legislation allowing minors to have access to cross-sex hormones without parental consent in June by a vote of 73-60, with one Republican, state Rep. Sawin Millett (R-Waterford), voting with Democrats, and two Democrats, state Reps. Kevin O’Connell (D-Brewer) and Traci Gere (D-Kennebunkport), voting with Republicans.
In the state Senate, the measure passed by a vote of 20-14, with two Democrats, state Sens. Joseph M. Baldacci (D-Penobscot) and David P. LaFountain (D-Kennebec), voting with Republicans in opposition to the bill.

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