National Archives Admits Every Administration Since Reagan Has Mishandled Classified Documents

Mishandling of classified documents by recent presidents has been the norm, not the exception, according to newly declassified testimony from a House Intelligence Committee hearing with National Archives’ staff.
William Bosanko, the agency’s chief operating officer, told Rep. French Hill (R-Ark.) during the March 1 hearing that every “administration from Reagan forward[,] we have found classified information in unclassified boxes.”
Director Mark A. Bradley, who heads the Archives’ Information Security Oversight Office, also provided some perspective on the frequency with which classified documents end up where they shouldn’t.
“Since about 2010, we have gotten over 80 calls from different libraries where mostly Members of Congress have taken papers and deposited them in libraries for collections, their own papers,” he said, later clarifying that all of those calls concerned the discovery of “classified information” by the librarians receiving those materials….

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