Pentagon Urges Congress to ‘Resolve’ Lone Senator’s Blanket Hold on Military Promotions

Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin is urging the U.S. Senate to “resolve” a current impasse that’s put an indefinite hold on top military promotions and nominations.
The Senate approves thousands of civilian and military nominations annually. The process is normally conducted through unanimous consent. But Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) has blocked hundreds of promotions and nominations because he objects to the Pentagon’s new abortion policy, which, in part, allows for taxpayer-funded paid leave and reimbursements for service members who travel for an abortion.
Since February, Tuberville has led the hold in protest of the Pentagon’s wide support of abortions. He’s argued that federal funding should not cover abortion procedures except in cases of rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is at risk. He’s received support from at least 21 Republican lawmakers in the Senate and House….

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